How Should You Lose Weight? Beginners Guide

Overweight or obesity is becoming a common problem for more and more men, women and children in our country. Because of our busy existence and workload, we were forced to become increasingly dependent on unhealthy junk food. Also enough time to spend on physical exercise is a luxury for many working people. Overweight, however, has caused so many problems that we can not overlook this problem any more. Serious plans and efforts are needed to overcome this terrifying growing problem of obesity. That is why an effective weight management plan for healthy weight loss is the first step in overcoming this.

Frustrating is that we have seriously considered the need for healthy weight loss and that we have tried to take some measures to stop weighting, but in most cases our efforts were in vain. It does not matter how effective the weight reduction method or the program we are following is, it will not produce the desired results for us.

Why Fail To Lose Weight?

The only reason behind our failure is lack of dedication. We have never been on our weight management program for a long time. We must remember that losing weight is not the same as taking a candy from a small child.

To be able to guarantee successful weight loss, one must be persevering and methodical and follow a fixed routine with determination. When it comes to losing weight, there is no quick way to success. You have to determine your goals and then fight hard with the right guidance from an expert.

So, what are the elements of healthy weight loss?

Good programs for healthy weight loss are generally straightforward, but you need to balance exercise daily with a carefully formulated, healthy diet . This helps you to create controlled consumption and only eat as much food as needed to survive healthy.

Consistent monitoring of a good weight reduction plan is difficult, but making a plan for it is fairly straightforward. Apart from the first and most important component of ‘determination’, there are two other things that are important:

  • A healthy diet
  • Regular physical activity

The healthy diet plan

If your diet plan for weight loss googled, you will find millions of diets on the internet. Most are effective – well, for some then. But one thing I have to say is that each person is unique in terms of body type, shape and taste for food. An effective diet plan should therefore also be unique for everyone.

You can ask for help from an expert, but my suggestion is to make your own diet plan. Nobody knows you better than you. So it is clear that you can make the most feasible and plausible plan for yourself. But for that you need some basic knowledge about foods, calories, etc. Now let’s talk about the basis of an effective diet plan.

So, to do that, you need to know two things:

  • How many calories do you actually need every day? and
  • How many calories does a particular food contain?

Getting that information is easy. You can find hundreds of sites with a calorie calculator and the amount of calories in ordinary foods on the internet.

You can search for them via Google, but to help you on your way: Here is at least one!

When you determine your daily calorie expenditure and the amount of calories in food, you can simply make a plan for your daily meals. But do not forget that counting the calories is not the only thing you should consider when planning your daily meal. Ensuring a healthy balanced diet is also crucial.

Guidelines for a balanced diet plan

The perfect diet should focus on protein-rich food , green vegetables and home-cooked food. However, eating food with a lot of sugar or saturated fats should always be avoided. Most foodstuffs in stores are now labeled with labels that show their ingredients and nutrients. Do not forget to look at these labels before you buy food. In addition, there are some products that are notorious because of the very high calorie content and low nutritional value such as junk food and these must not be consumed consumed.

Preparing a balanced meal is easy. You only have to fill half of your plate with vegetables / salad / fruit, 1/4 with protein and another 1/4 with carbohydrates. Do not forget to add 1 teaspoon of fat to your meal.

Your plate should have a normal size of 23 cm and the food should not be stacked higher than 1.5 cm. If you are still hungry afterwards, you can take more vegetables or salad.

It is a simple way to keep track of calorie intake without much hassle. If you can follow this method, you will not have to worry much about the amount of calories after a few weeks. You will know how many calories you consume by simply looking at your plate.

A few extra tips!

Take more fiber-rich foods in your meal

Fiber is an essential ingredient of a good diet plan. Lack of fiber in your meal is a reason that you will accumulate fat more quickly.

Fiber-rich products such as vegetables or fruit quickly give a feeling of fullness without having a lot of calories. Moreover, it takes longer to digest them, so we stay saturated for a longer time in a healthy way. That is why we are hungry less often. Ultimately, this plays an effective role in losing weight.

Another interesting thing is that high-fiber foods require more chewing than other foods. So it gives a saturated feeling more quickly, which in turn reduces the risk of overeating.

We should consume at least 25 grams of fiber daily.

Some examples of high-fiber foods are: wholemeal bread, vegetables, fruit, in particular berries, lentils, peas, beans, wheat bran, corn, etc.

Attention: slowly increase the amount of fiber-enriched food during your meal and also drink more water if you eat high-fiber foods.

Do not skip your breakfast

Skipping meals is a bad habit. Unfortunately, many people try to skip breakfast or lunch when they are on a diet. People also tend to do so because of lack of time early in the morning. Skipping meals can have a good result in the beginning, but believe me that it will not bring good results in the long run. Research has shown that people who normally skip breakfast are likely to be overweight.

Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up

Metabolism is the basic factor for burning calories. People with low metabolism are more likely to get overweight. During the time we sleep, the body does not get food. This slows the metabolism. A delayed breakfast activates the hunger mode, which slows down the metabolism even more. As a result, our body has a tendency to store energy in the form of fat.

So, it’s a handy trick to increase your metabolism by eating breakfast as soon as possible after getting up.

Eat at least five times a day

Try to take at least three large and two smaller meals daily with an interval of about three hours. Try to follow the above suggestion for the balanced diet each time.

Staying away from all that tasty food can be frustrating and difficult. If you are really hungry, you may forget your diet and eat some junk food . Eating at regular intervals will keep you energetic and satisfied. This also reduces the chance that you will give up your diet plan.

Also the food at short intervals increases your metabolism. As I said earlier, a higher metabolic rate is crucial for healthy weight loss.

Stop eating three hours before bedtime

Another crucial thing is that you always have to keep in mind to ‘never go to bed with a full stomach’. It is a dangerous habit. Your body starts digesting after eating. So you waste your rest time when you go to sleep with a full stomach. You also do not use energy from the digestion process while sleeping. That is why this energy is immediately stored as fat in your body.

The result is overweight.

Prepare your food earlier

If you always prepare your food when you are hungry, change this habit. When we get hungry, it becomes difficult to control ourselves not to eat any harmful food. At that moment we become more vulnerable to easily accessible junk food.

So, always plan ahead and prepare for it. I would advise you to prepare your food for the coming week. Plan your healthy meals for the next seven days at the weekend and store them in various small containers in your fridge or in the freezer. Believe me, managing your healthy diet will be a lot easier in this way.

Drink enough water

Another crucial aspect of effective weight management is drinking enough water. There is a misunderstanding in some people that water can make us fat. But actually the opposite is true. Many researchers have discovered that drinking enough water has a direct and indirect effect on losing extra weight.

In 2008, a study was carried out into overweight women on diet. This study showed that drinking more water was accompanied by a significant loss of body weight. Interestingly, this loss of body weight also includes fats.

There is no fixed amount of how much someone should drink. It varies from person to person, depending on their activity, body shapes and how much you sweat, etc. The general idea is that you have to drink as much as you need to quench your thirst. In general, however, an adult person must drink at least eight glasses, which is about 2 liters of water per day.

Physical activity

Physical exercise is just as important as managing a good diet to manage weight effectively. A minimum level of exercise is not only necessary for losing weight, but also crucial for a healthy fit body.

Sports such as basketball, swimming, cycling etc. are often a good idea because they offer you a well-rounded training. You can choose someone who has a similar routine as you and involve him / her in your sports activities, because that will always keep you happy and inspired.

Plan for yourself

Similar to diet planning, the physical exercise routine also needs to be adjusted, taking into account the physical characteristics of the individual, age, work types, etc. Sometimes it is good to consult a personal trainer, who can devise a specific program for you and you can help to keep it full. This becomes even more important if you can not find a partner to train with.

However, I do not think you need a full-time trainer to drive you all the time. With the right patience and a little support from an experienced friend and the internet, you can easily come up with a suitable training plan for yourself. There are many useful websites that you can find on the internet and that offer this type of support.

Choose carefully

It is not about the most difficult program you have to choose. It’s about whether you can really stick to that program or not. Do not go for a really difficult training plan at first. Select something that you can easily follow, but at the same time hard enough to make you sweat.

Before you choose a plan for yourself, you must determine your goal that you want to achieve. Set a goal that you want to achieve within a certain period. Whether it is about losing weight, gaining weight or reducing body fat, you need to have an exact goal.

Which exercises should you do?

At the beginning of the exercises, many people wonder what kind of exercises they should do. There is some misunderstanding about exercises for healthy weight loss. Many people think they should only follow cardio-like exercises to reduce their weight. The fact is that strength training is equally important to lose weight. It is an outdated idea that lifting weights to get gigantic muscles only works for professional bodybuilders.

It is true that cardio is a faster way to lose weight, but in this way you will also have to give up your precious muscles. Research shows that people who do cardio-like exercises lose weight faster than those who follow resistance training. The reason behind this faster weight loss is that cardio not only reduces body fat, but also reduces the lean muscle. On the other hand, weightlifters only lose their extra body fat, but not their lean muscles.

Lifting weights has a direct effect on weight loss. Researchers discovered that muscles are important for increasing metabolism . So the more muscles you have, the faster your metabolism is. And we already know that a faster metabolism is the basic factor for calorie burning.

So it really depends on you. If you want weight loss, but also want to have muscles at the same time, you should probably also consider weight training. My suggestion is to combine these two. Include both types of exercises in your routine and free up time for them. They are both extremely important for healthy weight loss.

High intensity interval training (HIIT) can be the trick

HIIT is a new sensation in the world of cardio. It is an interesting training strategy with a training period with a high intensity (ie 2 minutes running 8-10 km / h) and then a training period with a low intensity (ie 2 minutes 2 km / h) for recovery. This process will continue consecutively for a certain period of time without a break or rest.

Several studies have been conducted on HIIT that have yielded very encouraging results. HIIT, compared with conventional low intensity, is stable cardio, much more effective in terms of calorie burning and performance progress.

How much time should you spend on doing exercises?

It depends on your body type, stamina, goal, etc. In the beginning, excessive physical activity can cause more damage than benefits. So start slowly but steadily move from beginner to a higher level. If you are following a cardio-plus weight training routine, then my recommendation is to keep a training time of 45 to 60 minutes. It is not really necessary to train longer than that. Sufficient rest is extremely crucial for your muscle recovery. So, if you do weightlifting, you have to give your muscles enough time (at least 48 hours) to recover. Therefore, consider doing your weight training three to four days a week.

If you only do cardio exercises, one rest day per week is sufficient.

Follow your progress

Tracking your progress towards your goal is crucial. It will help you to follow your overall progress and reach the ultimate goal of weight loss. This way you can evaluate your plan and change it if necessary to make it more effective. Before you start your exercises, make a training diary to keep track of the physical characteristics at different stages of your program and also keep a daily schedule of the exercises.

What should you follow and how should you follow it?

  • Keep track of your initial body measurements such as your neck, waist, bust, hips, thighs, biceps, wrist, etc.
  • Measure your body weight, the percentage of body fat and write it down in your diary
  • Keep an estimate of your diet and calorie consumption
  • Take a photo of yourself i.e front, back, sideways and keep them in your diary
  • Keep track of your daily exercises in detail, e.g how many sets you have done, how much weight you have lifted, how long you stood on the treadmill, etc.


  • Do not forget to include the date with all the data and the photos you take
  • Update this information regularly; at least with an interval of 7 to 14 days

Keeping track of your body characteristics gives you the motivation to continue and work harder. It will also help you to adjust your training plan. If you keep track of your training, you can also compare your performance and your strength with your old self.


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